Saturday, July 17, 2010


When I came to my hairdresser, macbook in toe, I had a vision for exactly how I wanted my new hair to look: a boy cut. Yes, those were my exact words, I wanted a boy cut. Bangs but not really and very precise cut edges. Getting your hairs drastically changed like I did was a huge step for me, much like everything i've been going through these past few months, and I was ready to just let go of everything and do what I wanted to before prom season rolled around, cut my hair OFF! Last time I was in her chair for a drastic haircut I left in tears but ended up falling in love. Before this cut my actual hair was down to my shoulders but I still had my weave in from prom, which took about an hour to take out. This go around I went way shorter (no bangs), edged up on the sides, dyed my hair back to jet black (because my natural hair color is a disgusting dusty brown) and voila! My new hair goes a little like this:
Oh, I forgot to mention that I also got a new pair of glasses :) I can finally, after going two years blind, can see. No those are not personality glasses, but I love that style so I had to get them (I also got a pair of black rimmed ones). Anyhoo, I AM IN LOVE with my hair, can't wait to see how it looks when it starts growing back, but i'll probably chop it back down again.

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